Saturday 2 February 2008

20 Amazing Facts about Google

20 Amazing Facts about Google

1. Google records everything they can about you: For all searches they record the cookie ID, your Internet IP address, the time and date, your search terms, and your browser configuration. Increasingly, Google is customizing results based on your IP number. This is referred to in the industry as "IP delivery based on geolocation."

2.Google retains all of their data indefinitely: Google has no data retention policies. There is evidence that they are able to easily access all the user information they collect and save from they time they began!!

3. Google won't say why they need this data: Inquiries to Google about their privacy policies are usually ignored. When the New York Times (2002-11-28) asked Sergey Brin if Google ever gets subpoenaed for this information, he had no comment.

4. Google's cache copy is technically illegal!!: Judging from the Ninth Circuit precedent on the application of U.S. copyright laws to the Internet, Google's cache copy appears to be illegal. The only way a webmaster can avoid having his site cached on Google is to put a "noarchive" meta in the header of every page on his site. Surfers like the cache, but webmasters don't. Many webmasters have deleted questionable material from their sites, only to discover later that the problem pages live merrily on in Google's cache. The cache copy should be "opt-in" for webmasters, not "opt-out."

5. Google is your enemy....not your friend: Google currently enjoys a 75 percent monopoly for all external referrals to most websites. Webmasters cannot avoid seeking Google's approval these days, assuming they want to increase traffic to their site. If they try to take advantage of some of the known weaknesses in Google's semi 'secret' algorithms, they may find themselves penalized by Google, and their traffic (and income) resultantly disappears. There are no detailed, published standards issued by Google, and there is no appeal process for penalized sites. Google is completely unaccountable. Most of the time Google doesn't even answer email from webmasters.
6. Google's index of web pages is by far the largest in the world, comprising of billions of web pages. Google searches this gigantic collection of web pages often in less than half a second!

7. Google’s Home Page Has 51 Validation Errors. Dubious?: Just run it through this validator

8. Google is a privacy time bomb: With 300 million + searches per day, most from outside the U.S., Google is a privacy disaster waiting to happen. Those newly-commissioned data-mining folks in Washington can only dream about the sort of efficiency google has already achieved..

9. The infamous “I’m feeling lucky” button is hardly ever used (1 in 1000 users). However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.

10. Due to the sparseness of the homepage, in early user tests they noted people just sitting looking at the screen. After a minute of nothingness, the tester intervened and asked ‘Whats up?’ to which they replied “We are waiting for the rest of it”. To solve that particular problem the Google Copyright message was inserted to act as a crude end of page marker.

11. Google is actually a play on the word googol, which was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of the American mathematician Edward Kasner. It was originally made popular in the book 'Mathematics and the Imagination by Kasner and James Newman'. It refers to the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google's use of the term reflects the company's mission to organize the immense, seemingly infinite amount of information available on the web

12. The immortal cookie: Google was the first search engine to use a cookie that expired in 2038! This was at a time when federal websites were prohibited from using persistent cookies completely. Nowadays, immortal cookies are commonplace among search engines ; Google set the standard because no one could be bothered to challenge them.

13. Google has a world-class staff of more than 2,668 employees known as Googlers. The company headquarters is called the Googleplex. The Googleplex operates a legendarily relaxed working environment and as a result Google can pick from the cream of the technology crop.

14. Employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time working on their own projects. Google News and Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.

15. Google consists of over 450,000 servers, racked up in clusters located in data centers around the world. They are very secretive about precise locations.

16. Google started in January, 1996 as a research project at Stanford University, by Ph.D. candidates Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were 24 years old and 23 years old respectively. Both are now multi billionaires not surprisingly.

17. Users can restrict their searches for content in 35 non-English languages, including Estonian, Greek, Icelandic, Hebrew, Hungarian, Chinese and Estonian. To date, no requests extra terrestrial requests have been made... but Google has a Klingon interface just in case.!

18. Google translates billions of HTML web pages into a display format for WAP and i-mode phones and wireless handheld devices and has made it possible to enter a search using only one phone pad keystroke per letter, instead of multiple keystrokes.

19. Googlers are multifaceted. One operations manager, who keeps the Google network in good health is a former neurosurgeon. One software engineer is a former rocket scientist. And the company's chef formerly prepared meals for members of The Grateful Dead and funkmeister George Clinton.

20. Google Groups comprises more than 845 million Usenet messages, which is the world's largest collection of messages or the equivalent of more than a terabyte of human conversation.

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